Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Emotion Led?

Letting our emotions lead us is a sure way to get out of the will of God.

We’re so used to doing or saying what we feel that we allow our emotions to control us without a second thought.

In the process of following where our “feelings” lead us, we begin veering away from God’s will. This then leads to many other negative consequences, including hurting those around us like our spouses, kids, friends, and coworkers.

Many times it gets us into trouble with people we don’t even know. Road rage would be a prime example of that.

Decisions should not be made on the basis of the negative emotions we are feeling.

That is especially true when it comes to dealing with another person. Damaged relationships can be hard to mend when one has been hurt by something another has said or done hastily in a moment of uncontrolled emotion.

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.
Romans 14:19 (NIV)

So begin preparing now for how you’ll handle the next time you feel your emotions leading you to say or do something, that you will probably regret later. Instead ready yourself to take that road towards peace. Your relationships will be blessed by the effort.

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David Peairs
David Peairs

I love helping people win in life, because God is good...and life should be too!

Articles: 56


  1. Thank you for this passage. My parents have become born again christians but have a troubled marriage. My mom is looking for ways to help change their marriage by changing herself in her words & actions so i am helping her each day with encouraging words from the Bible & God led me to this site. Thank you for understanding even the most religious still have problems & it is how we act that defines us as good christians.

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