
Wedding Day Promises

Today we went to a wedding for a couple from our church. It’s been a long time since we’ve been to a wedding and it was the first wedding that our kids have been to. Having recently celebrated our 15th anniversary, most of our friends have long since been married.

The wedding we went to today was very nice. Everyone could tell how much the bride and groom truly adored each other. And the ceremony itself was very deliberately focused on God being a part of the union and that with Him at the lead, the marriage would be strong.

While sitting in the church, watching the couple exchange vows, a few things came to mind.

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Valentine’s Day Tips to Use Throughout the Year

That romantic day of the year is here again. And if you’re like me, it may have snuck up on you.

To me it seems to come too quickly after Christmas. But then again, maybe spouses need to restart the romance after the stress that tends to come with the Christmas holidays.

Valentine’s Day is a great day to do something nice and romantic for your spouse. But even better than limiting it to that one day, it’s a great starting point to begin a round of year long romance.

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The Number One Problem in Marriage

What have you probably heard is the number one problem in marriage?

Often cited as the number one problem is the lack of communication.

I don’t believe that’s the case. It’s a problem, but not the main problem. The lack of communication is purely a symptom of a deeper problem.

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Surprise Your Spouse by Continuing the Marriage Romance

Do you really want to surprise your spouse?

Do something romantic for them now that Valentine’s Day has passed.

How would that go over? Showing your husband or wife your love for them AFTER the holiday that makes romance mandatory?

For some quick, simple ideas, check out my previous post on marriage romance.

Go give it a try and let me know how it turns out.

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Make Every Day Valentine’s Day with Romance in Your Marriage

Valentine’s Day is now upon us. If you haven’t gotten your significant other something yet, whether it be a card, candy, flowers, or whatever, quit reading this and go do that right now.

Okay, you’re back. Whew, that was a close call.

You’re probably looking at the title of this post and thinking “What is he talking about? Romance more than the once a year at Valentine’s? I can barely keep up this pace!”

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Foot to da flo’

Okay, so I talk a little funny sometimes. I’m originally from south Louisiana:)

It’s “Foot to the floor”, you know…on the accelerator in your car.

Anyhow, that’s what I’ve had to do this year. Stomp down on the gas of faith and blow right through the barriers.

Since making the decision to follow God and pursue the path of writing and selling a Christian marriage ebook, the devil has tried running me off the road at every opportunity. Much of the time I’ve just kinda laughed and handed it over to God, but I got really fed up the other day. For pretty much a whole day, I had to do as David did in 1 Samuel 30:6 and strengthen myself in the Lord.

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