
Don’t Leave This Out of Your New Year’s Resolutions

Another year has flown by, causing us to wonder once again, “where did the time go?”

For some, this past year was a good one, but for others, they’d rather forget it ever happened.

Unfortunately for many couples, their marriages fell into the latter category. A great deal of pain, failure, and heartache over the past year was due to problems in the marriage relationship.

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Happy New Year!

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year.

This past year was a weird one for my family. Not only did I get laid off from my job early in the year, but everything in my house seemed to hit a simultaneous expiration date for working properly. My wife is washing dishes by hand as I type because our dishwasher conked out right after Thanksgiving. It’s not that big of a deal, except that it’s just part of a long list of things breaking throughout the year.

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Foot to da flo’

Okay, so I talk a little funny sometimes. I’m originally from south Louisiana:)

It’s “Foot to the floor”, you know…on the accelerator in your car.

Anyhow, that’s what I’ve had to do this year. Stomp down on the gas of faith and blow right through the barriers.

Since making the decision to follow God and pursue the path of writing and selling a Christian marriage ebook, the devil has tried running me off the road at every opportunity. Much of the time I’ve just kinda laughed and handed it over to God, but I got really fed up the other day. For pretty much a whole day, I had to do as David did in 1 Samuel 30:6 and strengthen myself in the Lord.

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Don’t Be A Scaredycat – Part 2

Last time I talked about how my sons overcame their fear in the water. And since then they have progressed even further:)

For about a year now, I’ve been talking to them about fear…or rather freedom from it. The main source I pulled my information from are two Biblical verses that have helped me in my life. They are:

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Don’t Be A Scaredycat – Part 1

When his head went underwater I was…amazed.

Last week my kids learned to swim. Previously we’d never really taken the time to go to our community pool that often, so our boys weren’t very fond of the water. Since I got laid off from my job in February, I’ve been home to be able to do things like go to the pool with them.

A few years ago our oldest son Chase had learned to go underwater, so he could get baptized. But he never learned to actually swim.

Our youngest son Spencer had never even put his face into the water. He’d always been afraid; even with goggles on.

Well, last week things changed for both of them. As I look back, I realize it wasn’t an instantaneous change though.

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