Lessons Learned

Don’t Be A Scaredycat – Part 2

Last time I talked about how my sons overcame their fear in the water. And since then they have progressed even further:)

For about a year now, I’ve been talking to them about fear…or rather freedom from it. The main source I pulled my information from are two Biblical verses that have helped me in my life. They are:

Don’t Be A Scaredycat – Part 2 Read More »

Don’t Be A Scaredycat – Part 1

When his head went underwater I was…amazed.

Last week my kids learned to swim. Previously we’d never really taken the time to go to our community pool that often, so our boys weren’t very fond of the water. Since I got laid off from my job in February, I’ve been home to be able to do things like go to the pool with them.

A few years ago our oldest son Chase had learned to go underwater, so he could get baptized. But he never learned to actually swim.

Our youngest son Spencer had never even put his face into the water. He’d always been afraid; even with goggles on.

Well, last week things changed for both of them. As I look back, I realize it wasn’t an instantaneous change though.

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