Is your marriage all that you dreamed it would be?
“Free eCourse Reveals 5 Simple But Powerful Ways To Put Your Marriage On The Road To Love, Joy, and Peace!”
Discover easy-to-implement, Bible-based techniques that I personally used to steer my marriage towards success.

David Peairs
Are you tired of waiting for your marriage to magically turn around or get better by itself?
I know I definitely was! So I finally decided to find out what God had to say in His Word about what my Christian marriage should be like. As I gradually learned new things from the Bible, I took action to implement each one into my marriage.
The result has been a marriage that’s closer to what God intended (and what my wife and I dreamed of) than it ever has been before. Yes…I do mean it’s better.
Now I’m not going to tell you that our marriage is perfect, it’s not. But I will tell you that those past feelings of misery, sprinkled with thoughts of divorce, have now turned to love, joy, and peace.
Any marriage can turn around for the better if God’s Word is applied to it…including YOURS!
God has great things planned for your marriage, and He’s put the power in your hands right now to choose the path it will take. The path towards success or the path towards failure? If you make no choice, life will make the choice for you. And if you’ve seen the statistics on failing marriages, you know the odds aren’t good when left up to chance.
Whether you choose to sign up for my ecourse or do something different, just please DO SOMETHING!
Here’s some of what you will learn in this marriage email course…
- Simple tips to actually find out what your spouse is thinking (No, I’m not talking about reading their minds. It’s a lot easier than that:)
- How to set a firm foundation for victory over any challenges your marriage may face
- How to change this one thing that may be causing everyone in the home to walk on the pins and needles of anxiety
- The one word that you may be using that will drive your marriage towards failure
- How to bring back those lovin’ feelings…even if you thought they were lost forever
Take action today and choose to allow God to improve your marriage! Receive your free 5 part email course by simply entering your name and email address below, then click the “Yes! Send Me Those Tips” button once. If you don’t like the free information, you can easily unsubscribe.
Yes, I want to know the steps to begin experiencing the fulfillment I’ve always dreamed of in my marriage.
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