Christian Web Sites

Big Ole List of Christian Bloggers

I recently participated in the 2007 Christian Bloggers Survey sponsored by Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox and Church Communications Pro. In doing so, I found out that there is a whole slew of Christian bloggers out there.

To show some support, I’ve included the list of links to the participants’ blogs below.

Be forewarned though that I don’t guarantee the content of these blogs. These were merely the participants in the survey, and I’ve only read a few of them personally so far. But if you’ve been searching for a Christian blog, surely something will strike your fancy in this list.

Big Ole List of Christian Bloggers Read More »

Thanksgiving: Does the Turkey Get More Gratitude Than Your Spouse?

Turkey, dressing, gravy…mmm, those are some things to be thankful for.

If you’re like many people on Thanksgiving day, you contemplate those things that you’re thankful for in your life. Maybe you even share a few things with family members over that delicious, traditional meal. But why wait until this one day every year to show some gratitude?

When was the last time you were thankful for your spouse? Or better yet, when was the last time you expressed your gratitude for who your spouse is and what they do?

For me, I’m thankful to my wife for the Godly mother she is, for all of the dinners she’s cooked, for all the laundry washed, and clothes ironed. She keeps the household running smoothly. She takes care of helping our boys with their school projects while helping them learn to be responsible. Additionally I’m thankful for her sweet personality, her sense of humor, her intelligence (which is definitely where my boys get it from), and her beauty.

Don’t take your husband or wife for granted. Take the time to thank God for them today. Then take it one step further and actually tell them how you are grateful for them. Be specific and don’t assume they already know it.

Make time every day of the year for thanksgiving. Your marriage relationship will be better for it.

Thanksgiving: Does the Turkey Get More Gratitude Than Your Spouse? Read More »


Well, here we go.

Welcome to my Christian marriage blog. I’ve been mulling it over for a little while and figured it’s time to step up to the microphone. It was either this or begin my long anticipated rappin’ career. My wife and kids nixed the latter, so here I am:)

For my initial post, I figure I’ll try to set some expectations…though things are, of course, subject to change.

The main topic of conversation will be around Christian marriage and I will share:

Giddyup! Read More »