The Dream Marriage: Desiring It

Admit it…you want a great marriage.

No wife grew up thinking “I can’t wait to get into a miserable marriage.” And no husband got married thinking “I’m looking forward to this marriage becoming a huge weight around my neck.”

But all too often, that’s what the marriage relationship turns into.

If that’s you, then it’s time to rekindle the dream of having a great marriage. It may not be what you’d like right now, but you should have hope that the relationship with your spouse can become the type of marriage that others dream of having. Without that hope, the marriage has nowhere to go.

God wants you to have a great marriage and remember Mark 9:23, that all things are possible to him who believes.

Start desiring and believing for that great marriage. It’s a first step in the right direction.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of The Dream Marriage. Subscribe to the free MarriageVictory News Update to be notified when Part 2 is posted.

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3 thoughts on “The Dream Marriage: Desiring It”

  1. It is sad when being married becomes a chore. Nobody wants to feel like they’re just sharing a bed with a roommate. Spread the word everybody! God wants us to be happy hehe

  2. You’re right knife geek. Marriage is work, but shouldn’t be a depressing chore. Our marriages should be a place where we can always find joy.

  3. Pingback: Begin Expecting Good Things Today – Thriving Marriages

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