Giddyup Reloaded – The Marriage Site Restarts

Time to get back to it. For the past few months I’ve been working on moving my Christian marriage blog from being hosted on Blogger to hosting it myself utilizing WordPress. The reason for this was to provide more customization, flexibility, and a platform to build for the future.

It wasn’t easy, though the experience taught me a lot about web site design. Trying to find a template that I liked was like searching for the proverbial “needle in a haystack”. I did eventually find one that looked pretty good, but it wasn’t quite what I wanted. So I went ta codin’ and a customizin’. Fun stuff, but oh the time it eats up.

It’s taken a while, but I now have the site up and running, with all of the previous posts moved over.What you see before you is what I came up with, though it’s only about 75% of what I’m planning. Just getting a logo will go a long way towards making it look more complete and (dare I say it) professional. If you see any errors or things out of whack, please be kind enough to let me know by submitting a comment. I would greatly appreciate it.

If you’d like a quick refresher on what to expect from this site, see my original starting post Giddyup!

David Peairs
David Peairs

I love helping people win in life, because God is good...and life should be too!

Articles: 56