Don’t Be A Scaredycat – Part 1

When his head went underwater I was…amazed.

Last week my kids learned to swim. Previously we’d never really taken the time to go to our community pool that often, so our boys weren’t very fond of the water. Since I got laid off from my job in February, I’ve been home to be able to do things like go to the pool with them.

A few years ago our oldest son Chase had learned to go underwater, so he could get baptized. But he never learned to actually swim.

Our youngest son Spencer had never even put his face into the water. He’d always been afraid; even with goggles on.

Well, last week things changed for both of them. As I look back, I realize it wasn’t an instantaneous change though.

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Tiger Fan

Well, today is my oldest son’s birthday. Sigh…they grow up so fast.

Happy birthday buddy! Tiger Fan

He’s a big LSU Tigers fan (like his dad:) As you can see from the picture, his birthday gifts are helping turn his room into Tiger stadium.

Now that the Dallas Mavericks lost the NBA Finals last night, LSU football is the next sport we are looking forward to.

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The “Little General”

No, I’m not talking about the nickname of Coach Avery Johnson of the Dallas Mavericks. Not yet anyway.

But, I am already starting with the personal tidbits. I figure it helps you get to know me a little better.

Today is my youngest son’s birthday…so happy birthday to my young’un!

Little General
Here’s a picture of the “General” today.

Notice the camo? He has really been into army stuff lately, hence the theme for his party this past weekend.

My wife did a great job and put a lot of work into making it a fun party. Not only did she go with an army cake (which she made with a camouflaged inside) and decorations, but she put together some nifty army games like an obstacle course, watergun target practice, and a water balloon bombing run. Don’t worry, no live ammo was used nor were any targets harmed during this event:)

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Well, here we go.

Welcome to my Christian marriage blog. I’ve been mulling it over for a little while and figured it’s time to step up to the microphone. It was either this or begin my long anticipated rappin’ career. My wife and kids nixed the latter, so here I am:)

For my initial post, I figure I’ll try to set some expectations…though things are, of course, subject to change.

The main topic of conversation will be around Christian marriage and I will share:

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