Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Two Equals One
Are you spending time with your spouse? Do you really know them? Or are you both too busy to do anything more than give a quick “hello” or “goodbye” as you’re coming and going each day?
Are you spending time with your spouse? Do you really know them? Or are you both too busy to do anything more than give a quick “hello” or “goodbye” as you’re coming and going each day?
Are you feeling guilty about something? Maybe something you’ve done in your marriage? As a Christian, if you’ve repented and asked for forgiveness, then God promises to forgive you. Not only that, but He chooses to forget that sin even…
Our marriages are constantly under attack. Once we say “I do”, the devil sets his sights on trying to tear the relationship apart. The reason for this is that so much good comes from marriage. It’s the foundation of our…
What have you probably heard is the number one problem in marriage? Often cited as the number one problem is the lack of communication. I don’t believe that’s the case. It’s a problem, but not the main problem. The lack…
It’s hard to believe…another year of marriage. My wife and I celebrated our 14th marriage anniversary this month. Time has certainly flown by. We were blessed with a gift card to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, so we were able to have…
Another year has flown by, causing us to wonder once again, “where did the time go?” For some, this past year was a good one, but for others, they’d rather forget it ever happened. Unfortunately for many couples, their marriages…
Turkey, dressing, gravy…mmm, those are some things to be thankful for. If you’re like many people on Thanksgiving day, you contemplate those things that you’re thankful for in your life. Maybe you even share a few things with family members…