christian marriage

Wedding Day Promises

Today we went to a wedding for a couple from our church. It’s been a long time since we’ve been to a wedding and it was the first wedding that our kids have been to. Having recently celebrated our 15th anniversary, most of our friends have long since been married.

The wedding we went to today was very nice. Everyone could tell how much the bride and groom truly adored each other. And the ceremony itself was very deliberately focused on God being a part of the union and that with Him at the lead, the marriage would be strong.

While sitting in the church, watching the couple exchange vows, a few things came to mind.

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Your Marriage Can Be Resurrected

It’s Easter…when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

But before He was resurrected on Sunday, Jesus had to go through Friday of pain and suffering and Saturday of death.

Many husbands and wives are sitting in the middle of their Friday or Saturday when it comes to marriage. There is a lot of pain and suffering or the relationship seems dead.

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The Dream Marriage 3: Keeping It

Previously, we’ve talked about renewing your desire to have a great marriage and how to work at doing what God’s asked you to do to move closer to that dream marriage.

Now it’s time to realize that having the dream marriage is not a destination, but a journey. There is never going to come a day where you wake up and say “wow, I’ve arrived at a great marriage, I’m done.”

You’re not done. The great marriage relationship is a journey. It’s a process that needs maintenance to keep from slipping back down into mediocrity.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Emotion Led?

Letting our emotions lead us is a sure way to get out of the will of God.

We’re so used to doing or saying what we feel that we allow our emotions to control us without a second thought.

In the process of following where our “feelings” lead us, we begin veering away from God’s will. This then leads to many other negative consequences, including hurting those around us like our spouses, kids, friends, and coworkers.

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Manage those Emotions

Well, our softball team lost it’s first game tonight. 2 wins and 1 loss.

It was a close one. For the win, all we had to do was hold the opposition to no more than 2 runs at the bottom of the last inning. But the other team got the best of us with some really good hits.

So why am I talking about softball?

Because sports, like marriage, seems to be one of those areas where we let frustration get the better of us. Instead of us controlling our emotions, we let our emotions control us. And usually no good can come of that.

What really got me thinking was what happened at the end of the game, right after the other team scored their winning run.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – July 26, 2007

Last time we talked about how nothing was impossible with God and that there is hope for you to have a better marriage, no matter what kind of shape it’s presently in.

But if you’re anything like I was in the past, then you may now be thinking “Yeah, God can do anything, but will He help me and my marriage?”

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – July 17, 2007

Marriage is supposed to be a good thing, but that’s not always the case. Many times we think that it’s never going to be a good thing or can never get better. Maybe everyone else can have a great relationship, but not us.

Are you possibly thinking that because of your certain circumstances, a good marriage will be impossible to come by?

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