Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Receive & Give the Gift of Patience

It’s that wonderful time of the year…or is it?

Christmas is great. It’s that time where we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.

It’s the time when families come together and get to spend quality time with one another. Uh-oh, that’s also when, for many people, that “wonderful time of the year” turns into “I can’t wait until Christmas is over.”

Are you looking forward to Christmas with a small (or large) sense of dread in seeing various family members and in-laws?

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Peace, Be Still

Find yourself feeling anxious or uptight? Maybe confused or too hectic?

Sometimes in our lives, there are just too many things going on or challenges facing us. Whether it’s from our marriage, job, finances, or other parts of our lives, we can allow things to bring a sense of turmoil.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Getting

Looking to get something specific out of your marriage or from your spouse?

Usually in marriage, there is something we expect or want to get in the relationship. Love, affection, compliments…those are a few of the many things we would like to receive from our husbands or wives.

The Bible tells of how to get what you want in your marriage. It’s a little strange sounding because it’s the complete opposite of what we naturally think we should do.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – No Condemnation

Are you feeling guilty about something? Maybe something you’ve done in your marriage?

As a Christian, if you’ve repented and asked for forgiveness, then God promises to forgive you. Not only that, but He chooses to forget that sin even happened.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – The Devil’s Foothold

Our marriages are constantly under attack. Once we say “I do”, the devil sets his sights on trying to tear the relationship apart.

The reason for this is that so much good comes from marriage. It’s the foundation of our society and the first institution established by God. What happens in our marriages usually filters down to the rest of our lives and it greatly influences our children.

The devil doesn’t want our marriages to succeed or give any sort of glory to God. So he fires shots at our relationships to disrupt it any way he can.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Emotion Led?

Letting our emotions lead us is a sure way to get out of the will of God.

We’re so used to doing or saying what we feel that we allow our emotions to control us without a second thought.

In the process of following where our “feelings” lead us, we begin veering away from God’s will. This then leads to many other negative consequences, including hurting those around us like our spouses, kids, friends, and coworkers.

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Manage those Emotions

Well, our softball team lost it’s first game tonight. 2 wins and 1 loss.

It was a close one. For the win, all we had to do was hold the opposition to no more than 2 runs at the bottom of the last inning. But the other team got the best of us with some really good hits.

So why am I talking about softball?

Because sports, like marriage, seems to be one of those areas where we let frustration get the better of us. Instead of us controlling our emotions, we let our emotions control us. And usually no good can come of that.

What really got me thinking was what happened at the end of the game, right after the other team scored their winning run.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Encourage Yourself

Down in the dumps? Can’t seem to shake that feeling of depression? Marriage, job, or life in general got you down?

Like I mentioned last week in the post on the Bible verse on stress, I’ve been feeling all sorts of negative emotions lately. I’ve let things overwhelm me and put me in a real funk.

When we get that way, there are multiple ways we can handle the situation. We can wallow in it and do things that make it worse. We can take it out on ourselves by talking negatively about ourselves or finding ways to punish ourselves. We can try to escape it through alcohol or drug abuse, spending money, or eating. We can seek out approval and encouragement from others to build us up. Or we can take it out on others.

But there is only one real way to get rid of those negative feelings.

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