
A Christmas Free from Stress

The holiday season spanning from Thanksgiving through Christmas is a stressful time for many.

Instead of taking the time to enjoy our families and what each of these holidays actually represent, we spend most of it worrying about the many things that need to get done.  Buying presents, planning and cooking meals, coordinating the visit to someone’s house, or preparing for everyone to come to our houses, the list goes on.

It seems like another job instead of a time of celebration.  By the time it’s all done, we’re just wiped out and thankful it’s over.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Encourage Yourself

Down in the dumps? Can’t seem to shake that feeling of depression? Marriage, job, or life in general got you down?

Like I mentioned last week in the post on the Bible verse on stress, I’ve been feeling all sorts of negative emotions lately. I’ve let things overwhelm me and put me in a real funk.

When we get that way, there are multiple ways we can handle the situation. We can wallow in it and do things that make it worse. We can take it out on ourselves by talking negatively about ourselves or finding ways to punish ourselves. We can try to escape it through alcohol or drug abuse, spending money, or eating. We can seek out approval and encouragement from others to build us up. Or we can take it out on others.

But there is only one real way to get rid of those negative feelings.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Anxiety

Are you stressed? What are you going through that is causing anxiety to rear it’s ugly little head?

Is it your job? Your health? Your kids? Your finances? Your marriage?

The majority of us have something going on in our lives that can bring on those feelings of worry and stress.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – July 26, 2007

Last time we talked about how nothing was impossible with God and that there is hope for you to have a better marriage, no matter what kind of shape it’s presently in.

But if you’re anything like I was in the past, then you may now be thinking “Yeah, God can do anything, but will He help me and my marriage?”

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – July 17, 2007

Marriage is supposed to be a good thing, but that’s not always the case. Many times we think that it’s never going to be a good thing or can never get better. Maybe everyone else can have a great relationship, but not us.

Are you possibly thinking that because of your certain circumstances, a good marriage will be impossible to come by?

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Bible Verses for Marriage Encouragement – New Weekly Series

Today will be the start of a new ongoing weekly series – Marriage Bible Verse of the Week.

The posts in this series will include a brief marriage commentary around a Bible scripture and are meant to be fairly short…just a little something to think about for your marriage throughout the week.

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