
The Dream Marriage 3: Keeping It

Previously, we’ve talked about renewing your desire to have a great marriage and how to work at doing what God’s asked you to do to move closer to that dream marriage.

Now it’s time to realize that having the dream marriage is not a destination, but a journey. There is never going to come a day where you wake up and say “wow, I’ve arrived at a great marriage, I’m done.”

You’re not done. The great marriage relationship is a journey. It’s a process that needs maintenance to keep from slipping back down into mediocrity.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Peace, Be Still

Find yourself feeling anxious or uptight? Maybe confused or too hectic?

Sometimes in our lives, there are just too many things going on or challenges facing us. Whether it’s from our marriage, job, finances, or other parts of our lives, we can allow things to bring a sense of turmoil.

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Marriage Bible Verse of the Week – Getting

Looking to get something specific out of your marriage or from your spouse?

Usually in marriage, there is something we expect or want to get in the relationship. Love, affection, compliments…those are a few of the many things we would like to receive from our husbands or wives.

The Bible tells of how to get what you want in your marriage. It’s a little strange sounding because it’s the complete opposite of what we naturally think we should do.

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